Sunday, October 3, 2010

We Lost Another...

I just received the sad news that we lost another brother to facebook...a.k.a."The Dark Side".  And so, the TRA (Technology Resistance Army) dwindles just a little more.  Of course, it's also been brought to my attention that saying anything derogatory about facebook would likely offend 90% of the people reading this and get me into a world of hurt.

I remember when my wife used to do everything she could to get me on facebook.  I tried to be completely honest and explain to her that I don't have the time, and certainly not the patience, to read everyone's trivial opinions or current statuses.  I also explained to her that if I did get on, and updated my own status, I would want to be brutally honest.  For example, I might just write something like, "Oh my, I just left the bathroom with a smell that I can't seem to identify!"  My wife seems to think this would not be proper status etiquette.  To which I reply in my defense, "That is the problem...I never seem to be able to utilize etiquette correctly."  I also know myself well enough to know that it would kill me inside to not be able to comment on someone else's status without expressing how I truly feel.  I don't see things in black or white, I believe every situation should be investigated to establish right or wrong.  And sometimes people need to be told that they don't have a clue.  Now, I'm sure some of you are saying right now that I am the one who doesn't have a clue.  At least if you told me that I didn't have a clue in a forum outside of facebook, I could accept it without your cheering squad chiming in to kick me while I'm down.  Just sayin'!

I do, however, see the advantages for facebook as a communication tool.  And truth be told, a blog really isn't that much different in it's purpose.  In fact, if I'm honest with myself, the problem lies within me.  The real reason that I can't sit and stare at the computer into all hours of the night is because it would cut into my own TV time.  You see, I too, have my own vice that I have to deal with.  I joke about losing another brother to facebook, but I often wonder if God tells the angels, "I lost another one to TV."

Leviticus 19:4~ Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am the Lord your God.

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