Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Case of the Grumpies

Today I caught a case of the "grumpies."  I had one of those "excessively-needy-employees, caught-every-stop-light, there's-never-any-extra-money, nobody-had-anything-nice-to-say" kind of days.  I couldn't pin it down to any one specific instance that set me off, but by the evening I was just flat out GRUMPY!  I didn't really want to take it out on my family, so I just tried to hold it in. And of always...when I try to hold it in, it just comes out in numerous little grumpy spurts.

In Sunday School, I've always tried to teach that it's ridiculous for a Christian to have a bad day.  I mean really, if you know you are going to be in heaven eternally and everyday will eventually be filled with eternal bliss, then what could possibly happen in your roughly 60 to 100 years here on earth that would be SO bad that you wouldn't still have something to look forward to.  Sorry my peeps, it would seem that I don't always practice what I preach.  Shame on me!  Wow...who knew...turns out, I'm not perfect afterall!

After dinner, I sat down and talked with my wife and told her what was on my mind.  And there was a simple comfort with just talking it out.  It's funny how just saying something out loud, can make you feel tremendously better.  So next time you find yourself with a case of the "grumpies," what remedy would I suggest for a quick fix?  Talk to someone; a wife, a friend, or better yet, the best listener ever, God Himself.

Ephesians 4:26-27  Be angry and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger and do not give the devil an opportunity.

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