I've always been taught that the enemy of great is good. I've tried to live by this rule and as a parent I try to instill it into my kids' psyche. All too often, I see examples of this concept in today's society; people doing just enough to get by and not get noticed or not get in trouble...and being satisfied with that!
Today, the first of many changes coming from the health care reform bill (passed six months ago) will take effect. Children (up to the age of 26) of those carrying their own medical insurance will now be guaranteed complete health care coverage with no restrictions. This means that regardless of their marital status, student or not, OR whether or not they are even living with their parent, they will be covered until they are 26 years old. My concern is that the message being sent with this type of "reform" is that young adults need not make any strides towards independence until the age of 26.
Some people have the type of personality which naturally makes them strive to be better than just good, while others need to be pushed. It's scary to think where would we be if some of our great historical figures would have just settled for "good enough." What if Thomas Edison would've been OK reading by candlelight? Or if Alexander Graham Bell would've been OK with just sending letters? Or in a more extreme scenario, can you imagine if Jesus would've said, "Being the Son of God is good enough, I don't need to get up on that cross?" I'm thinking history would have gone a lot differently.
I am not beyond reproach...I too, often find myself getting complacent and settling, but then I am reminded that my salvation is not based on anything I do. I am commanded to make a difference, because what I do here in this life will increase my rewards in "the next." I believe that it is important to look inside yourself to avoid becoming conformed to the generation of "C" students that is being primed to rule the world. Always remember that good is nothing more than a stepping stone to becoming great.
Matthew 6:19-21~ "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
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